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Aeschylus 30 Quotes. Great Quotes from Great People. Quotes of Great Mind. | Part 1

Aeschylus Quotes. Great Quotes from Great People. Quotes of Great Mind.

There is no aggravation so exceptionally extraordinary as the memory of happiness in present sorrow.


God generally endeavors along with the people who endeavor.


Furthermore one who is simply willingly will not need for joy; and he won't ever come to absolute destroy.


Time carries everything to elapse.


At the point when a match has equivalent accomplices then I dread not.


I know how men someplace far off, banished in shame feed on dreams.


My companions, whoever has had insight of disasters knows how at whatever point a surge of ills happens upon humans, a man fears everything; except at whatever point a heavenly power supports our journey, then, at that point, we accept that a similar destiny will forever blow fair.


When strength is burdened with equity, where could a mightier pair than they be?

Time as he becomes old shows all things.


It is best for the shrewd man not to appear to be savvy.


However, time becoming old shows all things.

Aeschylus Quotes. Great Quotes from Great People. Quotes of Great Mind.

The one who in all actuality does sick should experience sick.


It is generally in season for elderly people men to learn.


Demise is more straightforward than a pitiful life; and preferred never to have brought into the world over to live and charge severely.


Demise is gentler by a wide margin than oppression.


His determination isn't to appear to be the most intrepid, however to be.


Associations in wedlock are distorted by the triumph of bold energy that aces the female among men and monsters.


In the absence of judgment incredible damage emerges, yet one vote cast can fix a house.


The indecencies of humans are complex; no place is inconvenience of a similar wing seen.


Just when a man's life arrives at its end in success might we venture to articulate him blissful.


It is something light for whoever keeps his foot outside inconvenience to prompt and direction him that endures.

Aeschylus Quotes. Great Quotes from Great People. Quotes of Great Mind.

Since long I've held quietness a solution for hurt.


We will die by trickiness similarly as we slew.


The one realizing what is productive, and not the man knowing numerous things, is insightful.


It is something evil to be quick to bring fresh insight about sick.


For threatening word let unfriendly word be paid.


He who learns should endure. And surprisingly in our rest torment that can't neglect falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own misery, without wanting to, comes insight to us by the terrible effortlessness of God.


Acquiescence is the mother of progress and is married to security.


It isn't the promise that causes us to trust the man, however the man the pledge.


Bronze in the reflection of the structure, wine of the psyche.


For realize that nobody is free, with the exception of Zeus.


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