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Aeschylus 30+ Quotes | Part 2| Memory is the mother of all shrewdness. Greats Quotes From Great Minds of Great People


Aeschylus 30+ Quotes | Part 2|  Memory is the mother of all shrewdness. Greats Quotes From Great Minds of Great People
Aeschylus 30+ Quotes | Part 2|

What is there more sympathetic than the inclination among host and visitor?


I, educated in wretchedness, know many sanitizing customs, and I know where discourse is legitimate and where quiet.


The expressions of truth are basic.


Hitched love among man and lady is greater than vows protected by right of nature.


There is no affliction more terrible for me than words that to be caring should lie.


Memory is the mother of all shrewdness.


For the toxin of disdain situated close to the heart pairs the weight for the person who experiences the illness; he is troubled with his own distress, and moans on seeing another's joy.


It is simple when we are in success to offer guidance to the burdened.


The most shrewd of the astute may fail.


Search well and be insightful, nor accept that hardheaded pride will at any point be preferable over great advice.

Aeschylus 30+ Quotes | Part 2|  Memory is the mother of all shrewdness. Greats Quotes From Great Minds of Great People
Aeschylus 30+ Quotes | Part 2|

For there is no guard for a the overabundance man, in the abundance of his riches, has kicked the incredible special raised area of Justice carefully concealed.


For youngsters safeguard the notoriety of a man after his demise.


He who goes unenvied will not be respected.


What compensation is there for blood spilt upon the earth?


What exists outside is a man's anxiety; let no lady offer guidance; and do no naughtiness inside entryways.


Whoever is new to drive is unforgiving 100% of the time.


For a deadly blow let dangerous blow make amends.


Of success humans can never have enough.


I say you should not win a shameful case by pledges.


Satisfaction is a decision that requires exertion now and again.


Aeschylus 30+ Quotes | Part 2|  Memory is the mother of all shrewdness. Greats Quotes From Great Minds of Great People
Aeschylus 30+ Quotes | Part 2|

Everybody's fast to fault the outsider.


It is something simple for one whose foot is outwardly of catastrophe to offer guidance and to reproach the victim.


On the off chance that a man experiences not well, let it be without disgrace; for this is the possibly benefit when we are dead. You won't ever say a decent word regarding deeds that are malicious and offensive.


To be liberated from underhanded musings is God's best gift.


God loans some assistance to the one who makes a decent attempt.


Unfortunately for the issues of men! At the point when they are lucky you may contrast them with a shadow; and assuming they are appalling, a wet wipe with one scramble wipes the image away.


It is in the personality of not very many men to respect without envy a companion who has flourished.


In each despot's heart there springs in the end this toxin, that he can't confide in a companion.


For the offensive demonstration brings forth more after it, as to the parent stock.


Extreme dread is feeble all the time.


God's most noble gift to man is conventionality of brain.


The iron block of equity is established firm, and destiny who makes the sword does the producing ahead of time.


It is something productive, in the event that one is astute, to appear to be silly.


It is great in any event, for elderly people men to learn insight.


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